You Can Have What You Say
You Can Have What You Say
52 weeks of Scripture verses, devotions on the Word, prayer prompts, declarations, and journaling pages to strengthen your prayer life and see the promises of God manifested in your life. Through declaring the scriptures by faith, God's promises can be yours! This book teaches and guides you in making scriptural declarations over your life and situations. You can have what you say! The Bible tells us that if we speak the Word, believing, we can be established in that Word. The perfect companion for individual fellowship with God.
12-month Declaration Devotion and Prayer Journal features
8 x 10 trim size
Four full pages for each week of the year
Scripture Page - An inspiring Bible verse to reflect and meditate on throughout the week, giving you ample to get a deeper understanding of the Word. Through meditating on the Scripture, God will reveal HIS meaning to you and write it on your heart as He promised.
Devotion – This page brings clarity to the meaning of the selected Scripture verse. It includes stories and other illustrations that show the underlying principle behind the scriptures. There is also a small section for your thoughts on the scripture and devotion.
Prayer Prompt – This page shows you how to “Pray the Word.” When you do not know what to pray, pray the Word. God hears His Word from His child and responds.
This page also includes a section for Confession and Thanksgiving.
Declarations – These declarations stem from the Scripture verses and the Devotions. Some are written for you. However, there is space to write your own. Choose at least one each day. Speak it throughout the day, by faith.
Journaling Page – This page encourages you to put your declarations and faith to work. Write situations and circumstances that caused you to declare the scripture or "declaration" each day.